Elio XL - Large Format
Via Flaminia Km 33,700 - 00068 Rignano Flaminio (RM)
Production tel. +39 0761 52 14 55
Administrative office tel. +39 0761 52 16 45
tel. +39 0761 52 15 59
elioxl@eliostile.it | amministrazione@eliostile.it | eliostile@pec.it
C.F.: 00757060587 - P.IVA.: 00928291004 - SDI: QULXG4S
Copyright © 2019. Designed by Eliostile
Design and construction of Eco-Furniture, design objects made taking into consideration the environmental impact of the product throughout its life cycle. Products often made with recycled materials, manufacturing waste, or environmentally friendly materials.
Design and construction of customized paper products (exhibitors, props, packaging).